Latvian human rights defender „Helsinki-86” statement – ultimatum
Latvian human rights defender „Helsinki-86” statement – ultimatum
Latvian human rights defender „Helsinki-86” request European Union(EU), United Nations Organization(UNO) and Germany as leader of European Union, to stop Latvia’s sovereignty and take over its government, till justice in Latvia is totaly reestablished as with the international laws.
Russian and jewish crimes against latvians and Latvia finaly must stop. Right now russians and jews are making unthinkable genocide against latvians. Last terrible crime is stealing in „Liepajas Metalurgs” what now is totaly plundered, and 2 500 latvians now are jobless. All those criminals ar jewish people, who are supported by Russia, Israel and USA embassy. All those ambassadors insolently intervene in Latvia’s politics. They organized secret meetings with Russia’s 5.colonists, political party „Saskanas Centrs” leaders J.Urbanovics and N.Usakovs(mayor of Riga).
Russian and jewish people crimes in last two decades has reached insanity level. In result of all this, about 90-95% of all Latvia’s manufactories are now in criminal russian-jewish people hands. That all just because of disregarding and ignoring international rules-conventions after the collapse of USSR. Germany is responsible for this genocide for allowing it happen, because Helmut Kohl and Mikhail Gorbachev resigned Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. In result of this criminal pact Germany was able to restore its old country, while Latvia suffer from 700 000 USSR colonists, and 30 000 of them was retired militarists, KGB functionars and murderers.
All this KGB(MOSSAD) centre was retained, and today it is making their new crimes, and not only against Latvia, but against the whole World, including Germany. Those KGB officers have totaly destroyed Latvia’s democracy. There are no political parties in Latvia, but all of them are just some part of criminal KGB mafija. Only party what is against them is National Alliance “All For Latvia!” – “For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK”, but they are slander as nazis just because of beeing honest and defending latvians. Latvia’s government are managed by marionettes and mentally sick people, who are easily being manipulated. Most of Latvia’s agriculture industries are destroyed, and 50% of workers are now emigrated.
Why does EU support this genocide? Latvian human rights defender „Helsinki-86” requests EU and UNO immediatly judge bolshevik crimes against latvians and compensate Latvia for allowing all those disasters happen. „Helsinki-86” also demands to stop slandering latvians as criminals in holocaust, because no latvian has ever killed a single jew, while jewish people has made mass-murders against latvians since USSR ocupation. EU and UNO responsibility is to inform all World. Comprehensive report about russian and zionist main plans against EU and Germany, „Helsinki-86” will publish shortly after this request.
Latvian human rights defender „Helsinki-86” founder and leader Linard Grantins together with Dr. habil. hist. Indulis Ronis requests meeting with Joachim Gauck, President of Germany and José Manuel Barroso President of the European Commission, to discuss criminal situation in Latvia, and find a solution.
Latvian human rights defender „Helsinki-86” group
and Dr. habil. hist. Indulis RONIS
Paldies par to darbu, ko darat latviešu tautas interesēs.
Šeit ir viela pārdomām visiem latviešiem: Kāpēc mums ir tik daudz visādu “patriotisku” veidojumu, bet tikai viens pats LRTT vēršas pie pasaules sabiedrības ar lūgumu palīdzēt?
Vai tas neliek padomāt, analizēt un izvērtēt kas ir kas?
Tas izsaka visu. Latvijā pastāv padomju nomenklatūras politiskais diktāts! Demokrātijas nav. To imitē specdienestu algotņi.
Ne Vācija, ne ANO, ne ES nevar mums palīdzēt – Vācijas valsts, ES un ANO tiek kontrolētas no ASV, cionistu, ebreju, banku, korporāciju un finanšu struktūru puses. Tā ka – tukša bļaušana un papīra smērēšana.
Kamēr cilvēki balsos par par tādām partijām un cilvēkiem – NEKAS NEMAINĪSIES. Ja lielākā daļa LV pilsoņu domā tāpat kā tie, kurus ievēl vēlētos amatos, t.i. grābt tikai sev nedomājot par visiem Latvijas iedzīvotājiem – NEKAS NEMAINĪSIES.
Tu esi tas, kurš apzināti jauc krievžīdu cionistus ar ASV “rokfelleriem”.
Neviens “sorosists” mūs nav apzadzis, bet gan krievžīdiskie cionisti- komunisti(godmaņi,kargini,indriksoni,borovkovi,brigmaņi un neskaitāmi citi no šīs bandas).